FDFT 2024 Films
- "The Unknown" Forsyth Films
- "Among the Aspens" Fish Hunt WYO
- "She Is Watching" Ultimate Pursuit
- "I Have Proof" Michigan Whitetail Pursuits
- "Pitch Fork" Raw Hunt
- "Trust" Suseworks Media
- "Man In the Areno" Adventure Off Script
FDFT 2023 Films
- "Bag of Sticks" Fish Hunt Kauai
- "Eight" Way Up West
- "Living the Brand" Raised in the Rut
- "Desert Dream" Endicott Films
- "The Barefoot Buck" Stalker Stickbows
- "Bucket List" Lone Goat Media
- "You Define It" The Lifestyle
- "Raising Backcountry Kids" Lane Walter Productions
FDFT 2022 Films
- "The Challenge" Higher Calling Adventuresr
- "Dos Lopes" Way Up West
- "Redemption" Pure Hunting
- "Peanut Butter Bull" Golden Roosie
- "Self Defense" Stalker Stickbows
- "Adoration" Dialed In Hunter
- "Better Together" Raised In The Rut
- "Full Draw in Full Rut" Stuck N The Rut
FDFT 2021 Films
- "Project Landlocked" Jason Matzinger
- "Adversity" Hamskea Archery
- "The Year of Firsts" Higher Calling Adventures
- "Chasing Velvet" DIY Out West
- "All In" Way Up West
- "Mountaintop Matador" North Slope
- "Backcountry Emotions" Buffalo Creek
- "The One" Outback Outdoors
FDFT 2020 Films
- "September Shuffle" Seven Days Outdoors
- "A True Alaska Experience" Pure Elevation
- "Made for Mooney" Inkline Producitons & Top Priority Productions
- "The Making of An Epic Hunting Film" Higher Calling Adventures
- "Conquering the Fear" Stuck N The Rut
- "To Hell and Back" Built 4 The Hunt
- "Opportunities" Running Water Media
- "Return to Kodiak" Endicott Films
FDFT 2019 Films
- "A Week In September" BlackOvis
- "The G2 Buck" Rizen Media
- "Earned" North Wild
- "Legacy" Hamskea Archery
- "5 Foot Bull" Stalker Stickbows
- "Miscues" Top Priority Hunting
- "River Monsters" Hooyman
- "The Least We Could Do" Pure Elevation
- "Influencers" Jason Matzinger
FDFT2K18 Films
- "Pictures" Top Priority Hunting
- "2 Close 4 Comfort 2.0" Outback Outdoors
- "Eyes of the Shadows" Obsessed Outdoors
- "Moments" Pursue the Wild
- "Back 2 Back" Pure Elevation
- "Longbow" Twisted River
- "Both Sides of the Fence" Into High Country
- "Utah" Pure Hunting
- "1000 Miles to Ivory" Antler Athlete
- "The Fullest" Crowfly Creative
FDFT7 Films
- "A Matter of Minutes" Stalker Stickbows
- "This IS Hunting" Into the High Country
- "True Conservation" Hard Working Hunter
- "Respect" Contact Outdoors
- "A Rivers Return" Rogue Wild
- "2 Close 4 Comfort" Outback Outdoors
- "Harvest Moon" Argali
- "Mountain Warrior" Hamskea Archery
- "Backcountry Gamble" Top Priority Hunting
FDFT6 Films
- "Transitions" Stalker Stickbows
- "Into the Canyon" Whaletail Outdoors
- "Rugged Reunion" Southern Draw
- "Birth of a Bowhunter" Outdoors International
- "Expectations" Born and Raised Outdoors
- "Pacific Ghosts" Gritty Bowmen
- "Adaptation" Top Priority Hunting
- "Thriving Above 12K" Lane Walter Outdoors
- "Rock of Ages" H2O Productions
FDFT5 Films
- "It's Not About the Horns" Gritty Bowmen
- "Humility Among The Hog Backs" Into the Wind Outdoors
- "Once in a Lifetime" Hamskea Archery
- "Father's Footsteps" Outdoors International
- "Our Rock" Pure Elevation
- "Final Frontier" Silent Pursuits
- "Life On the High Plains" Into High Country
- "Expectations" Born and Raised Outdoors
FDFT4 Films
- "American Girlz in Pursuit" Madlion Productions
- "Legacy" Outdoors International
- "A Brother's Bond" Rogue Wild
- "The Last Chase" Into High Country
- "Worth the Wait" Into the Wind Outdoors
- "Searching for G2" Whitetail Warriors
- "Resolve" Pure Elevation
- "Staying Positive" Extreme Elk
- "Comitted" Born and Raised Outdoors